Beaphar Spray Away 500 ml


Combats odours and stains around your home and soft furnishings caused by pets.

6 in stock


Beaphar Spray Away Plus uses the latest friendly-microbe technology to combat odours and stains around your home and soft furnishings caused by pets. The friendly-microbes work by digesting organic debris and stains. Ideal for cleaning up those little accidents kittens and puppies sometimes have.

Beaphar Spray Away Plus is effective in removing stains and odours resulting from urine, faeces, blood and vomit. Also great for families enduring messy children and even red wine. Ready to use, handy trigger spray.

– Removes stains and odours
– Suitable for use on fabrics and carpets
– Ideal for pet owning homes
– Contains friendly microbes
– In a ready to use in handy trigger sprayer

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