Rabbits are great pets for children, but don’t make the mistake of thinking they are low maintenance. Depending on whether yours is an indoor or outdoor pet, there are a number of considerations.
So to help you, we’ve compiled a list of top tips to keep your bunny in good health!
Outside Rabbits
- A secure hutch and spacious run is necessary, as rabbits are masters of escape. In hot weather, you’ll need to supply shade across the top of the run – try plywood sheets, and in the cold months they will need dry straw for bedding.
- Good hygiene is vital, so make sure you clean out your rabbit’s hutch regularly with a good disinfectant that will kill harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Pay close attention to his diet. Yes, rabbits eat carrots, but only as a treat! You must ensure they get a good variety of foods. Try a rabbit mix and add freshly picked greens such as dandelions and clover. In the winter months, give them good quality hay. Fresh water should always be available and make sure you break any ice that forms on water bowls or feeders.
- What about health? Rabbit’s teeth grow constantly, so they always need something to chew on to help wear them down. Not only that, but you must comb your rabbit’s fur too; especially in the summer as flies are known to lay their eggs in the matted hair around their back legs. You should also consider having your outdoor rabbit vaccinated against fatal myxomatosis.
Extras tips for house rabbits!
- Don’t forget toilet training. Bunnies are easy to house train because they are naturally clean animals. Put a litter tray, containing a pelleted wood based litter, in the corner of your room and put the rabbit in it when he lifts his tail to go!
- Mind the electrics. Rabbits like to chew and household electrics are fair game. Tape wires above ground level, or box them in. And don’t leave bunnies loose when you go out – it’s likely to be a recipe for disaster.
Rabbits make affectionate pets, but bear in mind they’re sociable animals that live in groups. If you choose a pair, ensure they are neutered as soon as possible. The old saying ’breed like rabbits’ is true! If you would rather avoid getting a second rabbit, then you can always try a friendly guinea pig companion.