Avisafe Concentrate


Broad spectrum disinfectant/cleanser which protects you and your Birds.

SKU: P2116

Rookes code: N/A



Avisafe Concentrate is a world leader broad spectrum cleaner/disinfectant protecting you and your Cage/Aviary Birds, Poultry and Pigeons. Kills fungi, yeasts and viruses as well as bacteria. It is Very safe to use, has a pleasant smell, is non-corrosive and biodegradable. DEFRA approved against Avian Flu when used at a strength of 1:10.

Avisafe Concentrate can be used safely in the presence of Birds so long as there are no puddles of disinfectant left.

– A liquid disinfectant
– Kills yeasts, fungi, viruses and bacteria
– Effective against Avian Flu at a 1:10 dilution rate
– Safe, non-corrosive and easy to use
– No toxic fumes or strong smells given off

Additional Information




Nutritional Information

Active Ingredients:
Halogenated Tertiary Amines.
