Spring is here! It’s time to throw the windows open and get cleaning. If you’ve got house pets, there are some added tips worth considering. Here’s our top list!
Dealing with loose pet hair is a cleaning priority. The majority of pets lose their hair when the weather warms up, and that hair ends up decorating your house. You can’t prevent shedding unless you own hairless pets, but all that pet hair can trigger conditions such as asthma. As well as washing bedding and giving everything a thorough clean, you may also consider a shedding tool like the Furminator.
Pets love their smelly beds, but owners do not! If your dog or cat has a permanent bed, then it will need cleaning. Firstly, use a sticky roller or damp washing-up gloves to remove hair and prevent a washing-machine blockage. Then, wash all blankets as hot as you are able with plenty of detergent. If bedding can’t be washed, consider dry-cleaning, or purchase a spray to minimise odours. This cleaning regime will help prevent parasites from breeding; especially those fleas and ticks that emerge in springtime.
Dogs and cats carry bacteria in their mouths that are unhealthy for humans; especially children. Surface wash plastic toys and hot wash fabric toys in the washing machine. Throw away any fabric toys that are older than a few months because, as they dry, the salvia rots through material and causes really unpleasant smells.
As much as we try, it’s a losing battle to keep Fido and Tiddles off beds and sofas. You can use a Pet Hair Magnet to remove any loose hairs and, once scrubbed down, cover upholstery with easy washable throws. Prevention is better than the cure! Use a good quality Stain and Odour Remover Spray on pet accidents to neutralise the urine scent and to help prevent repeat marking.
Little and Often:
The best way to de-pet your home is to clean as you go. Wash all their bedding once a month and make sure your pets are de-fleaed regularly to avoid annoying itchy ankles!
And remember, loose pet hair makes great nesting material, so put it to good use outside for the birds!