Hutch, Sweet Hutch: Where do outdoor rabbits live?
Rabbits are very active creatures and subsequently need a lot of space. The minimum spacing required for a hutch for two rabbits is 3m x 2m x 1m (10ft x 6ft x 3ft). And, in terms of height, a rabbit’s hutch should be big enough for them to stand up fully on their back legs without their ears touching the roof.
Within their hutch, rabbits will sleep, eat and play. But they’ll also need an additional ‘‘run’’ or pen to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. It’s a good idea to create as many opportunities as possible for your rabbit to run, hop and dig. Unwanted cardboard boxes and newspaper make fun toys. Simply cut rabbit sized holes in two sides of a large cardboard box, fill the bottom with scrunched up newspaper, hay or anything rummage-worthy, and your rabbit can burrow to their hearts desire!
You could also give your pet rabbit some untreated straw, wicker, sea-grass mats or baskets, balls and plastic flowerpots to play with. Even solid plastic baby toys like rattles and stacking cups will get their noses twitching!
Not only is the size of the hutch (and run) important, but they need to be secure. We all know rabbits love to dig, but rabbit owners need to prevent their pet from digging too far and escaping. There are a number of ways to do this, including:
- Positioning the hutch on top of cement slabs or on a gravel bed (although there are cheaper alternatives that also give your hopping friend access to grass)…
- Place a line of paving stones around the perimeters of the hutch, either on the inside to prevent digging out, or on the outside to prevent other animals from digging in. Or both!
- Chicken wire (or a similar toughened mesh): Place this under the hutch (this will require some digging from you, not your rabbit). Remember to ensure the wire is brought up vertically around the hutch/run too and not just placed flat underneath.
Keep it Cosy
Here at Rooke’s Pet Products we recommend a soft straw as the ideal bedding for your rabbit – it’s cheaper than shavings and a good insulator too. Soft straw has hollow strands which trap warm air, keeping your pet rabbit warm and comfortable. Plus, it’s absorbent meaning it will soak up any liquid easily. Also, the colder it is, the more bedding your rabbit will need as they’ll want to snuggle down deeper to keep them warmer throughout the night.
You could also use aspen wood shavings as bedding for your rabbit. You’ll want to avoid wood shavings that are made from pine or cedar, or have an unknown wood source, because of the high levels of phenols it produces.
Do outdoor rabbits get cold? Of course they do which is why they need your help. In the wintery months rabbits need protection from the wind, rain, snow and frost. For how to keep outdoor rabbit warm in winter, you could temporarily transport their hutch to a shed or garage to protect them from adverse weather. If not, you could tie a tarpaulin sheet or an old duvet around the hutch instead. Just remember not to block their ventilation (rabbits need fresh air 24/7, 365 days of the year). We also recommend raising their sleeping area so that it isn’t affected by heavy rainwater.
What about how to clean outdoor rabbit hutch? This simply involves removing any straw or shavings that are wet and dirty, uneaten food as it can quickly spoil, and refreshing the water containers once a day. Rabbits always use one corner of their hutch as a toilet which makes cleaning their hutch a lot easier (and quicker!) than you might think.
And speaking of cleaning, you’ll need a rabbit-friendly solution to keep their hutch fresh (nothing too potent or containing harsh chemicals). To keep things simple, you can use a mix of water and white vinegar, even adding a little baking soda too for places in need of a thorough scrubbing.
Food, Glorious Food: What can outdoor rabbits eat?
One thing to remember is there is a difference between straw and hay. Straw is dried stalks from grain crops and is much more suitable for bedding as it is warmer and less likely to be eaten. Whilst it’s not a problem if rabbits do eat straw, there are a few nutrients they’ll be missing out on.
So what do outdoor rabbits eat? You guessed it… Hay! Hay is dried grass and is the most vital part of a rabbit’s diet as it helps to wear down their constantly growing teeth whilst keeping their stomachs healthy. In addition to hay, rabbits also enjoy gnawing on small amounts of fresh, uncooked vegetables and a small handful of pellets.
It’s not just about the food – rabbits also need access to cool, fresh water at all times; either in a bowl or a bottle/dispenser attached to the side of their hutch. Believe it or not, but rabbits need more water than other animals of similar size. In fact, the average rabbit consumes between 50 and 150 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight per day.
Let the Sun Shine: A rabbit outdoors
Sunlight is so important for rabbits because it allows them to synthesise Vitamin D. Rabbits will absorb Vitamin D through their diet, but their bodies are much more efficient at creating this essential vitamin through the help of direct sunlight. In rabbits, Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium which is vital to helping them maintain healthy teeth and bones.
Furry Friends
In the wild, rabbits live in big groups and enjoy being with others for playing, grooming and companionship. If these sociable animals are kept on their own, they can quickly become bored, depressed and very lonely. With that in mind, #RookesRecommend keeping at least two rabbits together, if not more, at all times.
And it’s not just the company of other rabbits your bunny desires, they’ll also want to spend time with you… Their favourite human! Try spending at least an hour a day with your rabbits to help your floppy-eared friend thrive!
Pop into our South Lincolnshire pet store to get rabbit-ready! Or come and see us to top up on supplies if you already have happy, hopping bunnies at home. We sell everything you need for keeping outdoor rabbits including hutches, bedding, food, cleaning supplies, toys and more!