Going away for the long weekend? Smart move! (Although we’ll miss you at Rookes!)

Traveling with the whole family can be a big feat; just getting everyone into the car at the same time with all the bags is mission impossible (read; last minute loo breaks)

With all that going on, there some vital items that you shouldn’t forget if you’re bringing along your pet, so we’ve made a list for you to help;

Prepare the car:

  • Crates/Carriers/Harnesses; for both your own and your pet’s safety, it’s advised that your pet is secured when you’re driving and won’t make an unexpected visit onto your lap while you’re driving.
  • Deactivate airbags for the seats in which your pet will be in.

Prepare the pet:

  • Check that microchips are up to date and collar tags have your mobile phone number (you can grab a new one instore!)
  • If your pet suffers from travel sickness then check in with your vet before you; they will be able to prescribe something to help.

What to pack:

  • Food (and a can opener if relevant)
  • Treats
  • Drinking water from home; stomachs can be easily upset by a sudden change in water
  • Proof of vaccinations/health record; many pet-friendly places want to see these upon your arrival.
  • Your pet bed
  • Some toys; to keep them entertained on the journey
  • An old towel
  • Plenty of plastic bags for picking up along the way (or take advantage of the BOGOF offer on Bob Martin Spring Poop Scoop bags in store now *April 2017*)
  • Pet Insect Repellant
  • First aid kit

The Rookes Team will be happy to help you find any items you need for your trip, just ask!