Welcoming a pet into your family is a big step, you’re responsible for them legally, financially and morally, but it’s not hard to be a responsible pet owner. Just follow these steps:
Obey the law
It’s illegal to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal through cruelty or neglect, so it’s important to ensure you understand your pet’s needs. Alongside this there are some specific points of law relating to dogs:
- You can be prosecuted, jailed and your dog destroyed if it is out of control. Take your dog to training classes to make sure you can control them at all times.
- You must also pick up poo. It’s not top of a dog owner’s wish list, but it must be done! Use a poop-scoop if it makes you feel unwell.
These are an excellent life-long way to ensure you’re reunited with your pet should they get lost. Dogs must be micro-chipped by law from April 2016 but cats, rabbits, and most other pets can be chipped too.
Regular worming and flea treatment is a must. Worms can affect your health as well as making your pet underweight and miserable. Fleas will drive them crazy and will infest your house all year round.
Vaccinations can save your pet from deadly diseases. Speak to a vet about what you need for your pet. Many vets have ‘fit clubs’ which enables you to spread the cost.
Think about pet insurance too – it can save you from a large unexpected vet bills.
Rescue centres are full of unwanted pets. Always neuter yours to avoid unwanted litters.
Pets need exercise everyday otherwise behavioural issues may occur. Walk your dog every day, and provide toys and stimulation for all other pets.
Food and Water
Every pet must be fed according to their specific needs. Rabbits need more than carrots! You shouldn’t give any pet human food particularly not chocolate which can be fatal. If you’re not sure what to feed your pet come and ask us in store – we’ve plenty of experience to share.
Appropriate Housing
Outdoor pets must be kept safe and dry. A damp hutch is unfair on a guinea pig who may develop fungal infections or respiratory problems. Foxes will prey on outdoor caged pets so hutches, runs and coops must be secure.
Indoors pets should have their own comfortable, safe sleeping area. Old, young or ill pets need comfortable bedding. The floor isn’t enough!
Reptiles can be tricky because they need heat and will die without it. Again, come and ask us if you need help.
A pet should enrich your life. If you follow these responsible pet owner guidelines you’ll have years of happy companionship to come.