Halloween is a whole lot of family fun; scary costumes, trick or treating, and pumpkin carving!
However, there are some members of the family that might not find it so enjoyable and there are a few simple things to beware of;
Trick or Treat?
You’ve probably stocked the house full of human treats to hand out to any ghosts or vampires that come knocking at the door but with all that extra chocolate lying around make sure that it’s kept out of your cat and dog’s way at all times! Chocolate (not to mention other sweeties, especially those containing xylitol) can be deadly.
Knock Knock
There are probably very few occasions during the year that your front door sees so many visitors in one night and with the door being open and closed often to greet trick or treaters, it can offer a unique opportunity for your pet to make a run for it!
Close your animals in another room before opening the door, and remind your excited children to check the pets are safe before answering the door.
Ghosts & Ghouls or Vandals & Hooligans?
It’s unfortunate, but true that some people take advantage of Halloween to do more damage than yell a friendly ‘BOO’ across the street. Keep your beloved family pets safely locked up at home to avoid becoming victim to any vicious pranksters.