A New Year. Time to reflect on the year passed and the year ahead and make plans for self improvement. So while we write our lists for kicking habits and beach bodies, why not write some resolutions for your pets too?
1) Shake off the winter belly! It’s a sobering fact, but 1 in every 3 animals in the UK is overweight. And while some breeds are more susceptible to obesity than others, the main reason is that they consume more calories than they burn. However, this increase in pet weight is not as a result of neglect – in fact it is quite the opposite. Research shows that we literally smother our pets with love… and treats! In fact many owners are not aware that their dogs are carrying more weight than they should, simply because they don’t know how to spot it. To make sure you keep your dog in tip top shape, feed him a good balanced diet , make sure he gets regular exercise and weigh him. That way you will be able to spot any increases in size and deal with them accordingly.
2) A shiny new coat! Dogs change their coat according to the seasons. However, domesticated dogs can get a little confused. Living indoors, they don’t need to worry about protecting themselves from the cold. In fact – as the heating goes on, many may shed their coats as they believe the warmer weather is on its way! In the UK, it is very important to groom your dogs regularly during the winter months. Cold walks in the mud and rain leaves them with dirty, often matted, fur. Whilst damp dog is not the best smell anyway, wet matted fur can eventually rot. So if it’s damp and muddy – get them clean. Simply wash them off with some warm water and pat dry with a towel.
3) On his best behaviour! Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer, proved that old dogs definitely can learn new tricks – it’s just a case of persistence and the right training. Our dog’s behaviour can cause us great anxiety; whether it is how they act in public or jump up when visitors come over. Sadly our pet’s behaviour is learned. Whether you had him from a puppy or got him from a rescue centre, his behaviour will be a sum of his learning to date. Whilst some basic training can be carried out at home, more persistent or negative behaviour may need some professional training. If you are concerned about your dog’s behaviour come and speak to one of our members of staff in store. If they can’t provide you with the advice you need, they can put you in touch with a reputable dog trainer in the area.